DIAL 911 - if you or someone else is in immediate danger!
770-860-1666 Shelter 24-hour Crisis Line
770-761-9333 Children’s Advocate
770-860-9770 office
770-860-1659 fax


Thanks to everyone who participated in Healthy, Happy Family Day! A special thanks to Heather and Sarah for all of their hard work organizing this event.


A temporary protective order (TPO) is a court order to help protect you from someone who is abusing, threatening or harassing you. The order will require the abuser to stay away from you, your home and your work. The abuser will be prohibited from contacting you in any way. The court can also order the abuser to stay away from your children if the court feels they are at risk. The court can also order other kinds of relief in the TPO, such as temporary custody, support and possession of vehicles. Getting a TPO does not mean the abuser goes to jail. The TPO makes it easier for the police to arrest the abuser for coming near you later, even if the abuser does not hurt you again.
Newton County (770) 784-2035
Walton County (770) 267-1355
Rockdale County (770) 929-4021


Project ReNeWal actively works to empower victims of family violence to independent thinking and living, free of violence. Project Renewal provides a 24 hour crisis line where individuals in immediate danger are assessed for entry into a safe house with the capacity for housing 20 individuals. Personal care and clothing items are stored on-site in order to meet each family's immediate basic life needs. While participating in our program, residents of the shelter are provided with counseling in both an individual and group atmosphere. During the process, participants form short-term and long-term goals, accompanied by a detailed plan of action. Participants in the program are also required to participate in weekly parenting classes. In conjunction with the on-site children's program, childcare is provided free of charge for both group counseling sessions and parenting classes. A full-time Children's Advocate works with children individually to assess and meet basic life needs, as well as arranging transportation to and from school and doctor appointments. A cook is on staff to prepare a nutritious meal for the residents each evening, while providing victims with information regarding preparing and maintaining a food budget. The cook also educates the participants on general nutrition and the importance of preparing nutritious meals and snacks for children. Staff is available to help with applications for Temporary Orders of Protection, and resources are available to assist with extensive legal and financial matters. Upon completion of all the suggested steps of the program, Project Renewal provides assistance with obtaining safe residence. As funding allows, assistance may include financial contributions toward applications, deposits, and first month's rent. Project Renewal also houses a small, on-site storage for lightly used household goods to assist women in furnishing their new homes. The ultimate goal of each service offered is to prepare victims of domestic violence to start a new independent, non-violent life.


Won't you consider making a difference in someone’s life.
Project Renewal is in need of the following:
Monetary Donations, Gift Cards for gas and merchandise, Furniture, Clothing for women and children, Food items, Baby Diapers, Baby Wipes, Toilet Paper, Napkins, Blankets, Toiletry items, Small clocks, New Undergarments, Socks, Laundry Detergent, Cleaning supplies

Because Project Renewal is a non-profit organization your donation may be tax deductible. Tax receipts are provided upon request.
Please call (770) 860-9770 for more information.
Please make checks payable to:
Project RenewalP.O. Box 1205Conyers, GA 30012


Won’t you consider making a difference in someone’s life.Please complete the volunteer form or call (770) 761-9333 for more info:Volunteers are needed in the following areas:
Help coordinate donations, Assist with child care, Assist with fund raising, Work with the children’s program, Assist with the day-to-day operation of the shelter.

Volunteer requirements:
Ability to maintain strict confidentiality. Willingness to make at least a six month commitment.
Completion of volunteer training and necessary follow-up.

Volunteer skills needed:
The ability to empathize not sympathize. Awareness of yourself and your own values. An open mind. The ability to know your own limitations. Honesty with yourself and with others.

All volunteers are required to sign the Project Renewal Confidentiality Pledge and submit to a background check.Project Renewal officially opened its doors on November 13, 1995 as the first tri-county shelter for victims of domestic violence serving Newton, Rockdale and Walton counties.